Message of the Day - Display a message of the day, week, month, random quotes and more
Content & Public Posts Filter - Get control over who can post to public groups and auto-moderate contentAuto Campaigns - A new email marketing suite was being rolled out that was based around contacts being in one or more Salesforce campaigns. Users wanted to specify what kinds of clients should be in each campaign (i.e. this campaign has my A Tier clients, this campaign has people who live in NY, etc). We had very few requirements, no resources and only 3 months to ship it. We built the front and back end which allowed users to secretly construct a SOQL query, then automatically add and remove campaign members every night based on the defined criteria. Within several months, there were hundreds of thousands of campaign members under management across hundreds of users.
Call Logging Overhaul - Agents were logging their calls using a legacy Visualforce page that opened in a new browser window. This overhaul replaced the VF page with streamlined Aura components, Lightning pages and utilized the Console. This allowed for agents to better navigate the system, have a greatly improved user experience and reduced the number of clicks required to log a call. Call List Campaigns - The client had a call center that made thousands of calls a week for prospecting and maintaining relationships. An existing system, coded about 10 years ago, was maintaining these call list records. We developed a new method that was based around campaign membership. When a campaign member was added or removed, an associated call list record was also created or closed. This system ended up being highly flexible for the administrative staff. Call list records could take into account the campaign start and end dates, allowing for staging or automatically closing the calls. Further options allowed the user to set a call start date based on a relative value (such as calling the client one week after their birthday). Next Best Question - Junior level agents were having difficulty with asking good questions during client meetings. This component was designed to help coach them by presenting a curated list of possible questions to ask. Less restrictive and more open ended than a traditional call script, agents were presented with a collection of questions. For each one, the agent could leave feedback on the client's responses and tone. Agents could also submit their own questions. The feedback was scored and ranked, allowing for the best questions to bubble to the top. Questions management was controllable by the business users, allowing them to add or remove questions in realtime. Outbound Messages - Customer needed to perform asynchronous data replication of changed records. A framework was created that allowed for records to be replicated based on a subset of fields being changed (as opposed to just using the last modified date). As data changes were pulled hourly, deduping mechanisms were implemented to reduce the number of records retrieved. This framework was able to scale out to hundreds of thousands of records per hour.This link will take you to the projects that were produced as part of the Applied Data Science program at Syracuse University. This will not only demonstrate the real-world, practical benefits of the curriculum, but also serve as an example of coding, writing and presentation style. Most of these projects were done as small, self forming teams consisting of 3 to 4 students. Code samples are available, written in a combination of Python, R and SQL.
Web regression testing - Created automated regression suite to do end to end smoke testing. Written in Ruby and Cucumber.
Connectivity SDK - A medical device manufacturer needed to supply their customers with sample code for implementing their Connectivity SDK. Written in .Net. System health monitoring - A managed services group needed a way to monitor the health and status of their remotely monitored on-prem appliances. This project involved analyzing for common points of failure, indications that a failure may occur soon and implementing ways of identifying these conditions. Written in PHP. nandView - An open source network and systems monitoring suite. This system could monitor devices via layers 3, 4 or 7. Written in PHP.